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Revival is our only hope for the current famine of faith.
Humility is the language of honor and is at the very heart of the divine prescription for revival.
Living in ongoing, perpetual revival requires intentionality and passion.
Revival has never and will never be manifested unless and until God’s people become impassioned and humble, faithful and fervent, devoted and desperate in prayer.
The Spirit of God is “assembling” His church, bone to bone, sinew to sinew, flesh to flesh. And when we are fully assembled, we will experience the Spirit of God breathe upon dead bones once again!
The very nature of revival makes the improbable possible.
Conviction is to our spirits what pain is to our bodies.
Without the convicting power of the Holy Spirit, one can live in sin and perish without Christ.
In a drought-stricken, rain-deprived culture openly hostile to biblical faith and Mount Sinai’s immutable ethical standards, God’s image bearers in the earth, His royal priesthood, His holy nation, are more comfortable simply going along to get along.
We find ourselves in this spiritual and moral famine because we have gone far too long without a God-sent downpour and drenching of Holy Ghost power.
Our communities decay and decline into chaos because our churches are dried up and dying. Our churches are in such a state of decay and decline because so many of those within our walls are in absolute need of the convicting power of the Holy Ghost and heartfelt repentance, which alone are the catalysts leading to genuine, authentic conversion.
The gospel preacher must once again become the anvil upon which the heart of God bursts into language, and through which the voice of the Almighty is made to be heard in all of the indignation that is proper to His outrage!
Our current culture is baptized in an attempt to be liked by everyone else at the great cost of diminishing their own self-worth and self-distinctiveness.
We must have revival in our powerless personal lives. We need it in our loveless homes. And oh, how we need it in our powder-dry and dusty, ritualistic and religious, cookie-cutter churches! Only the rain of revival in all three of those domains holds true hope for transforming our churches, communities, and ultimately our hell-bound culture.
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Copy and paste a quote from below into your status on Facebook or Twitter!Revival is our only hope for the current famine of faith.
Humility is the language of honor and is at the very heart of the divine prescription for revival.
Living in ongoing, perpetual revival requires intentionality and passion.
Revival has never and will never be manifested unless and until God’s people become impassioned and humble, faithful and fervent, devoted and desperate in prayer.
The Spirit of God is “assembling” His church, bone to bone, sinew to sinew, flesh to flesh. And when we are fully assembled, we will experience the Spirit of God breathe upon dead bones once again!
The very nature of revival makes the improbable possible.
Conviction is to our spirits what pain is to our bodies.
Without the convicting power of the Holy Spirit, one can live in sin and perish without Christ.
In a drought-stricken, rain-deprived culture openly hostile to biblical faith and Mount Sinai’s immutable ethical standards, God’s image bearers in the earth, His royal priesthood, His holy nation, are more comfortable simply going along to get along.
We find ourselves in this spiritual and moral famine because we have gone far too long without a God-sent downpour and drenching of Holy Ghost power.
Our communities decay and decline into chaos because our churches are dried up and dying. Our churches are in such a state of decay and decline because so many of those within our walls are in absolute need of the convicting power of the Holy Ghost and heartfelt repentance, which alone are the catalysts leading to genuine, authentic conversion.
The gospel preacher must once again become the anvil upon which the heart of God bursts into language, and through which the voice of the Almighty is made to be heard in all of the indignation that is proper to His outrage!
Our current culture is baptized in an attempt to be liked by everyone else at the great cost of diminishing their own self-worth and self-distinctiveness.
We must have revival in our powerless personal lives. We need it in our loveless homes. And oh, how we need it in our powder-dry and dusty, ritualistic and religious, cookie-cutter churches! Only the rain of revival in all three of those domains holds true hope for transforming our churches, communities, and ultimately our hell-bound culture.

– Dr. Rod Parsley